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Treloar, M. (2024). Escaping the Neoliberal Gallery. Platform Journal of Theatre and Performing Arts, Vol. 17 Issue 1. ‘The Future’. Link to article.

Jordan, M. Treloar, M. Hewitt, A.  (2023). Learning from Critical Social Art Practice: Disassembling and Reassembling the Social,. Makings Journal. Vol. 2 (Issue 1). Conference Paper. Values and (E)valuations of or as Cultural Practices? Entering a time of pragmatic experimentation. University of Amsterdam, September 21st-22nd 2023 . SPACEX-Rise Training Event 4. Link to article.

Treloar, M. (2022). Recycle Archaeology: community reuse of archaeological disposals. Makings Journal. Vol. 2 (Issue 1). ISSN 2752-3861. Link to article.


Treloar, M. (2020) Co.Lab Sound: Participatory Practice In Time of Social Isolation. Watch on Youtube here.

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